Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Flower Flavored Desserts and Cooling Off

In Nice, France, I felt like I was eating a delicious garden, as the cold sherbet touched my lips. I had jumped at the chance to try a flavor that I couldn´t find anywhere else. And there was more than one option, so I chose jasmine and rose "glace", which means ice.
Ever since then, I have been on the lookout for exotic ice cream flavors in general, and on the other hand, floweromatic dessert raw materials, such as edible rose flower water. This is certainly an acquired taste, as most people don´t expect to find their perfume on their tongue. But I can´t get enough of it. It can get lonely sometimes (just kidding) but look at the positive side: it means you can repeat yourself for sure!
Last year, I discovered a lavender lemonade recipe by accident. I readily went on a quest for lavender buds at my local tea store. And today I finally made that lavender lemonade adorned with ice, which is a fancy iced  infusion blended with lemonade, perfect for cooling off on a hot day. Never mind that today happened to be one of the few cool and windy days in the entire year.
Here is the recipe, from allrecipes:
2 cups boiling water
1/4 cup lavender buds for infusion
3/4 cup granulated sugar
Boil the water, take off heat, and infuse the buds in the water for 10 minutes. Remove lavender buds with a sifter. Next, add sugar.
8 lemons
5 cups of water
Squeeze the lemonade, add it to water in the pitcher. 
Add the lavender-sugar water. Add ice cubes and serve, or serve and add ice cubes to each glass! Enjoy!

What are your favorite floweromatic dessert discoveries? 

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